
Height 72 cm

Birger Kaipiainen designed a cloth doll called Annamolla for the readers of Anna magazine in 1967. Doll fabric was cut, sewed and stuffed at home with the help included instructions. 50 years later Kuovi brought back Annamolla and also created a group of colorful new friends for her: Armimolla, Eevamolla, Helmimolla, Maggimolla, Mariamolla, Marttamolla, Rauhamolla and Ritvamolla.

Kuovi's dolls are not common cloth dolls because they have rather sophisticated appearance. Their hairstyle, shape of face and slim limbs resemple the Byzantine female figures often featured in Birger Kaipiainen's art works. Kuovi's dolls are suitable for people of all ages.

Doll making fabric (see picture) includes both the body and the dress of the doll. The price includes (for EU countries only) 200 grams of non-allergenic polyester wadding for doll stuffing. All you need are scissors, yarn and sewing tools to make the doll. Doll's dress is separate, so you can buy or make yourself new clothes for her. It takes 3-4 hours from an experienced sewist to make the doll. You can get the sewing instructions here.

35,00 €

Birger Kaipiainen

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Kuovi Oy, Business ID 2699106-8

Metsäkukantie 4 F 11, 02330 Espoo, Finland

info [at]

Phone: +358 10 324 60 60


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